The Annual Performance Report presents the agency's program results, key accomplishments, and new initiatives during FY 2021.

The Annual Financial Report details the health of the agency's finances in Fiscal Year 2021.

The State Library Administrative Agency (SLAA) survey has collected information about state libraries since 1994 on an annual (until FY 2010) or biennial (since FY 2010) basis.

The report examines the role of museums and libraries in promoting social wellbeing in communities across the United States.

The National Medal for Museum and Library Service brochure describes the work of the 2021 recipients of the nation's top award for institutions that make significant and exceptional contributions to their communities.

This short report introduces the supplementary tables in the FY 2019 Public Libraries Survey.

The Institute of Museum and Library Service's Fiscal Year 2022 Appropriations Request to the United States Congress.

This study aimed to understand the scope of existing museum capacity building opportunities, identify potential gaps in the suite of current capacity building offerings, and determine new opportunities and areas of growth for both IMLS and other funders.

The Office of Museum Services makes grants to museums to support a wide range of services for their communities.

The IMLS Museum Grants for African American History and Culture program, authorized by the National Museum of African American History and Culture Act, has helped African American museums throughout the United States leverage their resources to preserve and share the strength and breadth of the African American experience.