Notice to Grantees: Please be aware that, due to Executive Orders and OMB guidance regarding potentially unallowable grant payments, IMLS is taking additional measures to process payments. Reviews of applicable programs and payments may result in delays or other actions.

Let's Move! Museums & Gardens


Let’s Move! is a national initiative to get kids moving and eating healthy food. It aims to support healthy children and families.  

Through Let’s Move! Museums & Gardens, museums of all types  from children’s museums and public gardens to zoos, science centers, and art and history museums — can answer the call to action. With their impressive reach and great potential for impact, museums and gardens can launch community efforts to create a healthier generation using interactive exhibits, outdoor spaces, gardens and programs that encourage families to eat healthy foods and increase physical activity.


Watch now!

Michelle Obama

Watch Michelle Obama's 
initiative announcement video.

How can museums and gardens get involved?

Museums and gardens are core community institutions. They are trusted in their communities and have the capacity to influence real and sustained behavior change. This initiative is intended to capture what is happening in museums and gardens and also to encourage new activity supporting this cause.

Let’s Move! Museum and Gardens has identified four priorities for participating museums and gardens. Institutions are encouraged to take actions across all four priorities! To become a Let’s Move! Museum orLet’s Move! Garden, all institutions must select at least one of the first two priorities. Institutions that serve food should also select at least one of the second two priorities.

The four priorities:

  • Eat healthy, get active exhibits
  • Learning about healthy food choices and physical activity through afterschool, summer and other programs
  • Healthy food service
  • Learning about healthy food choices and physical activity using food service operation

Get more information about each of the priorities.

How can museums and gardens sign up?

It’s easy. Sign up to become a Let's Move! Museum or Let's Move! Garden. Provide your institution’s contact information and identify the work your institution is doing to support at least one of the Let’s Move! Museums and Gardens priorities. You must also commit to sharing information with IMLS about your institution’s Let’s Move activities—this can be in the form of a short success story, a blog post, photos, or a video. See a list of institutions that have already made the commitment.

Sign up for the Let's Move! Museums & Gardens Newsletter. Recent issues:Let's Move! Newsletter

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