• FY 2016 Guide to Museum Funding Programs and Opportunities

    This four-page overview of IMLS museum funding programs provides succinct information on the Office of Museum Services' FY 2016 grant and award programs, as well as agency initiatives and partnerships of interest to the museum community.

  • 2014 Annual Report

    The Institute of Museum and Library Services FY 2014 annual report presents agency activity highlights from October 2013 - September 2014.

  • Office of Museum Services Update for FY 2014

    With succinct text and bold infographics, the report presents an accessible look the grant programs, strategic priorities, and the types of organizations and projects that were funded in 2014 by the Office of Museum Services.

  • 2016 Congressional Budget Justification

    The Institute of Museum and Library Service's Fiscal Year 2016 Appropriations Request to the United States Congress

  • Public Libraries in the United States Survey: Fiscal Year 2012

    The Public Libraries in the United States Survey (PLS) examines when, where, and how library services are changing to meet the needs of the public. These data, supplied annually by more than 97 percent of public libraries across the country, provide information that policymakers and practitioners can use to make informed decisions about the support and strategic management of libraries.

  • 2014 Performance and Accountability Report Publication Thumb

    2014 Performance and Accountability Report

    This annual report provides an overview of IMLS’s strategic goals, a description of our model of evidence-based program design, a description of how each of our grant programs contributed to our approach, and an in-depth description of five strategic priorities for fiscal year 2014.

  • Let’s Move! Museums & Gardens Fifth Anniversary Toolkit

    This toolkit includes programming examples, graphic elements to brand your event, a template press release, and sample social media messages to help Let's Move! Museums & Gardens participants spread the word.

  • Learning Labs in Libraries and Museums:Transformative Spaces for Teens

    Learn how 24 cities and counties applied new research about young people’s media practices to create physical and digital spaces for learning. This publication describes lessons learned, new models and practices and the impact of Learning Labs, supported by IMLS and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

  • Talking Points: From Third Place to Makerspace: Public Libraries and Teens

    A snapshot of how public libraries reach out to teens with programs and services.

  • Talking Points: Museums, Libraries, and Makerspaces

    Quick summary of makerspaces -- hands-on, mentor-led learning environments to make and remake the physical and digital worlds -- in museums and libraries.