• 2009 Performance and Accountability Report Publication Thumbnail

    2009 Performance and Accountability Report

    The annual report sets forth the agency’s goals and objectives and highlights our related performance and accomplishments – programmatic, operational, and financial – for fiscal year 2009.

  • 2009 National Medal for Museum and Library Service

    The National Medal is an annual award made to museums and libraries that have demonstrated a long-term commitment to public service through innovative programs and community partnerships.

  • Museums, Libraries, and 21st Century Skills Report

    This report outlines a vision for the role of libraries and museums in the national dialogue around learning and 21st century skills and includes case studies of innovative audience engagement and 21st century skills practices from across the country.

  • Partnership for a Nation of Learners: Joining Forces, Creating Value

    This publication provides success stories from the Partnership for a Nation of Learners program that can guide local organizations who would like to collaborate on behalf of their communities.

  • Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2007

    This report includes national and state summary data on public libraries in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with an introduction, selected findings, and several tables. The report, based on data from the Public Libraries Survey for fiscal year 2007, includes information on population of legal service area, service outlets, library collections and services, full-time equivalent staff, and operating revenue and expenditures.

  • Future of Museums and Libraries: A Discussion Guide

    The result of a two-day meeting in which a diverse group of colleagues came together to share and debate, this guide is designed to provide a structure for future discussion among museum and library professionals, policy makers, funders, users, researchers, and partners.

  • Data Note: Libraries Use Broadband Internet Service to Serve High Need Communities

    Information technologies available in the majority of public libraries represent a vital community resource, combining technology access with high quality content to meet the needs of patrons in the digital age.

  • WebWise 2009 Conference Proceedings

    The 10th annual WebWise Conference was held in Washington, D.C., February 26-27, 2009. The conference focused on some of the problematic “Big Issues” faced by museums, libraries, archives, and other cultural institutions as they deal with emerging technologies, changing social behaviors and expectations, and new economic realities.The Proceedings Book provides summaries of each session, full text of conference keynotes, and more.

  • WebWise 2009 Conference Agenda

    The 2009 WebWise Conference was held February 26-27 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., with a day of pre-conference workshops on February 25. The theme was “Digital Debates.” Panelists and attendees discussed the complicated and sometimes problematic “Big Issues” faced by museums, libraries, archives, and other cultural institutions in terms of emerging technologies.

  • 2010 Congressional Budget Justification

    The Institute of Museum and Library Service's Fiscal Year 2010 Appropriations Request to the United States Congress