Digital Government Strategy Report for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
2.1. Engage with customers to identify at least two existing major customer-facing services that contain high-value data or content as first-move candidates to make compliant with new open data, content, and web API policy.
Overall Status: in-progress
2.1.1. Paragraph on customer engagement approach
Paragraph on customer engagement approach: The Institute of Museum and Library Services does not currently have an application programming interfaces (API) for any current information systems (e.g. AAMS grants management system, IMLS website). Although the Institute of Museum and Library Services does not currently have any internal or external APIs, the agency understands the importance and benefits of providing application programming interfaces. IMLS actively considers and evaluates the possibility of developing and deploying application programming interfaces when planning and building information systems. The agency has set up a developer page ( to provide more information about our data and systems. The agency has received ongoing feedback from the public about the need to make our content available through APIs (most notably the Public Library Survey data and the Museum Universe Data File). Through the agency’s participation in hackathons such as the National Day of Civic Hacking, we have received additional feedback and acknowledge the benefits of APIs to the developer community.
2.1.2. Prioritized list of systems (datasets)
System Name: Three existing services and systems that would benefit from the development and use of APIs would be: the agency’s grant management system (AAMS), the agency’s state program reporting (SPR), and the agency’s website ( The agency is at varying stages of development and discussion to build replacements for each of these three existing systems. The agency will consider the inclusion of APIs for each system. In addition, the agency is also actively investigating other ways to make our datasets available through APIs.
7.1. Engage with customers to identify at least two existing priority customer-facing services to optimize for mobile use.
Overall Status: completed
7.1.1. Paragraph on customer engagement approach
Paragraph on customer engagement approach: IMLS has been using the Google Analytics Platform since August 2011 to monitor activity on both of its public-facing websites – and With this tool, we have been able to monitor mobile use of our sites, which has grown significantly. Mobile users as a percentage of total users have grown as follows: For the site, between 08/01/2011 and 07/31/2012: 4.01%, between 08/01/2012 and 07/31/2013: 7.17%, and between 08/01/2013 and 05/31/2014: 10.41%. For the site, between 08/01/2011 and 07/31/2012: 6.80%, between 08/01/2012 and 07/31/2013: 10.83%, and between 08/01/2013 and 05/31/2014: 14.13%. Additionally, our numbers of social media users have increased steadily as IMLS has established and grown our presence on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. We have observed an increase in mobile access of our content through these social media tools as well.
7.1.2. Prioritized list of systems (datasets)
System Name: Currently, IMLS has two public-facing websites, and While both of our sites can be accessed and used on mobile devices in their current state, the creation of mobile-optimized versions of both sites is an agency priority. In FY14, IMLS will be awarding a contract to redesign our site – which hasn’t been done since 2006 – and mobile optimization is one of the key tasks we are identifying in our statement of work.
4.2. Establish an agency-wide governance structure for developing and delivering digital services
Overall Status: completed
Paragraph on Governance: IMLS has established an Open Government Working Group to ensure a coordinated approach to the agency’s development and delivery of digital services and data. Key participants in IMLS’s Digital Strategy Working Group include the agency’s Chief Information Officer, Director of Communications and Government Affairs, Director of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, Chief Operating Officer, and General Counsel. The agency’s digital services governance activities will continue to be guided by core principles that include: standardized review, approval, and dissemination of agency digital services and information products; alignment with principles of IMLS’s Strategic Plan; timely adoption of IMLS policies related to digital services, as appropriate; and compliance with Digital Strategy requirements.
URL to Governance Document:
5.2. Develop an enterprise-wide inventory of mobile devices and wireless service contracts
Overall Status: completed
5.2.1. Develop wireless and mobile inventory
Bureau/Component: The IMLS Office of the Chief Information Officer maintains an enterprise-wide inventory of all equipment, including mobile devices. This inventory is updated as equipment is transferred from on location to another and one person to another. The IMLS Contracting Office maintains all IMLS contracts in accordance with NARA’s general record schedule.
Inventory Status: completed
8.2. Implement performance and customer satisfaction measuring tools on all .gov websites
Overall Status: in-progress
8.2.1. Implement performance measurement tool
Implemented Digital Analytics Program: yes
If Not, Describe Implementation: IMLS has been using the Google Analytics Platform since August 2011 to monitor activity on both of its public-facing websites – and
Percent of websites covered: 100
URL of performance data: Currently only available internally.
8.2.2. Implement customer satisfaction tool
Describe Implementation: Currently, IMLS collects customer feedback on the website through our website’s Contact Form or through direct e-mails to the agency’s webmaster. This allows IMLS to be responsive to questions or problems that individual users might have. In FY14, IMLS will be awarding a contract to redesign our site – which hasn’t been done since 2006 – and we will develop and implement a customer service survey as part of this process, using a tool such as Foresee.
URL of performance data: Currently only available internally.
1.2. Ensure all new IT systems follow the open data, content, and web API policy and operationalize pages
Overall Status: in-progress
1.2.1. Document policy for architecting new IT systems for openness by default
Describe policy: To ensure future information systems and services comply with the Federal Digital Strategy and Open Data Policy (M-13-13, May 9, 2013), IMLS will integrate digital strategy and open data requirements and guidance to existing processes and workflows. As such, the Office of the Chief Information Officer will examine and validate information technology projects to ensure they include a digital strategy component for open data and interoperability and address the open data requirements.
1.2.4. Develop Data Inventory Schedule - Summary
Summarize the Inventory Schedule: IMLS has conducted a comprehensive inventory of our programs and information systems to identify all datasets that the agency produces or collects. All such datasets, including but not limited to, programmatic and research datasets, are included in the agency’s enterprise data inventory. IMLS will follow the OMB requirements for quarterly reportin g and will work to maintain the enterprise data inventory by expanding the number of data assets included in the inventory, enriching the metadata, and opening additional data assets, as appropriate, through November 30, 2014. IMLS will update the enterprise data inventory as data assets are identified throughout the agency or at least quarterly.
1.2.5. Develop Data Inventory Schedule - Milestones
1.2.6. Develop Customer Feedback Process
Describe the agency's process to engage with customers: IMLS has integrated a customer feedback mechanism into our data disclosure process – each data set has an agency contact for questions and requests for additional information. The agency uses this process to regularly update the ways in which it makes data and information available to the public. IMLS also regularly engages with agency stakeholders, which include library associations and the information science community, regarding the agency’s information disclosure practices. The agency is an active participant in the White House Open Government Working Group, which meets with open government groups on a quarterly basis. The agency also actively participates in a number of conferences involving members of the open government community. IMLS staff have, on numerous occasions, adjusted the agency’s information disclosure practices in response to feedback received through these consultations and the FOIA process, leading to an increase in the amount and usefulness of IMLS information made publicly available.
1.2.7. Develop Data Publication Process
Describe the agency's data publication process: IMLS manages information with the intention to promote openness and interoperability, while safeguarding agency systems and information as appropriate. The agency’s Chief Information Officer (Senior Agency Official for Privacy ), and General Counsel, review all agency datasets to determine, consistent with the OMB Open Government Directive’s presumption in favor of openness, whether the information can be made publicly available, subject to privacy, confidentiality pledge, security, trade secret, contractual, or other valid restrictions to release. For example, the agency limits, in accordance with applicable law, sharing information that identifies individuals or that contains proprietary information, and impose appropriate conditions on the use of such information when a continuing obligation to ensure the confidentiality of the information exists. Any determination that a dataset should not be made publicly available is documented in consultation with the Office of General Counsel.
2.2. Make high-value data and content in at least two existing, major customer-facing systems available through web APIs, apply metadata tagging and publish a plan to transition additional high-value systems
Overall Status: in-progress
2.2.1. Publish plan on future activity
Describe policy: The agency understands the importance and benefits of providing application programming interfaces. IMLS actively considers and evaluates the possibility of developing and deploying application programming interfaces when planning and building information systems. Three existing services and systems that would benefit from the development and use of APIs would be: the agency’s grant management system (AAMS), the agency’s state program reporting (SPR), and the agency’s website ( The agency is at varying stages of development and discussion to build replacements for each of these three existing systems. The agency will consider the inclusion of APIs for each system. In addition, the agency is also actively investigating other ways to make our datasets available through APIs.
2.2.2. Make 2+ systems (datasets) available via web APIs with metadata tags
Name of system: in-progress.
5.3. Evaluate the government-wide contract vehicles in the alternatives analysis for all new mobile-related procurements
Overall Status: completed
Describe Implementation: IMLS will evaluate government-wide vehicles for mobile services, and leverage them as appropriate, in new mobile-related procurements. The agency is following the progress and status of planned federal vehicles in this area, including GSA’s Managed Mobility Program.
6.3. Ensure all new digital services follow digital services and customer experience improvement guidelines
Overall Status: completed
Describe Implementation: IMLS is committed to improving the delivery of digital services to its customers, and ensuring that all new agency digital services follow the “Guidelines for Improving Digital Services and Customer Experience” promulgated by the Federal Web Managers Council.
7.2. Optimize at least two existing priority customer-facing services for mobile use and publish a plan for improving additional existing services
Overall Status: in-progress
Describe Implementation: IMLS utilizes a number of third party mobile social media tools to communicate with the public. The agency has established and grown its presence on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. Each of these services offers mobile applications and mobile-optimized versions of their websites, which enables IMLS to use these tools to communicate with an increasingly mobile citizenry. In addition to leveraging third party mobile social media tools, IMLS has identified the creation of mobile-optimized versions of both of IMLS’s public-facing websites as an agency priority.
7.2.1. Report on services
Service Name: in-progress
Last updated July 7, 2014 at 6:22 am