Statement from IMLS on the Plan for Lapse in Appropriations

News Releases | November 20, 2023

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Washington, DC— The Continuing Resolution Congress passed on September 30 that kept the federal government funded at FY23 levels expired at midnight Friday, November 17.  As a result, IMLS is closed and is not engaged in grant-making or other agency activities due to a partial shutdown of the United States Government.

The IMLS plan for Agency Operations in the Absence of Appropriations (PDF, 251KB) is available. This document provides information on how staff, current and potential grantees, contractors, organizations with cooperative agreements, and others would be affected should a funding lapse occur.

We have also compiled a list of frequently asked questions (PDF, 107KB) for grantees and applicants.

During this time, IMLS staff will not be able to review or respond to any form of communication until the agency is reopened. Any additional information will be posted on

Budget and Performance