It’s Wiki Wednesday! Are you UpNext? Two New Themes Launch Today on the Future of Museums and Libraries Wiki

News Releases | April 14, 2010

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The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) invites you to help invent the future of museums and libraries through your participation in UpNext: The Future of Museums and Libraries Wiki. IMLS’s first-ever wiki is a platform where individuals inside and outside of museums, libraries, and related fields can discuss, dissect, expand, and inform the issues outlined in the Future of Museums and Libraries: A Discussion Guide. IMLS will use the knowledge shared in the wiki to help shape the agency’s strategic plan, research directions, publications, convenings, and grant making.

Two new themes launch today on the wiki and will be featured for wiki discussion from April 14th-April 27th.

Theme #7, Planning for a Sustainable Future, will be led by Discussion Leader, Emlyn Koster, President & CEO, Liberty Science Center. This theme discusses potential ways in which museums and libraries can engage in the process of defining and planning for a sustainable future, not simply in terms of economics, but in their relevancy to the communities they serve.

Theme #8, Metrics for Evaluating Service & Impact, will be led by Discussion Leader, John Fraser, Director, Institute for Learning Innovation-New York. This theme discusses ideas and issues in developing appropriate and effective metrics as a critical tool for articulating the value of museums and libraries and ensuring their future success.

In these tough economic times, strategic thinking is a wise investment in the future. Whether you work in, partner with, study, volunteer, visit or are just plain interested in museums and libraries and passionate about how they can continue to thrive in their service to the public—you have an opinion to be shared!

The UpNext wiki is an opportunity to share resources, examples of what works, and vexing questions. We hope that it will be a thought provoking ten weeks for all participants and provide food for thought for your career, your institution, and the choices you face.

The full schedule of wiki themes and discussion leaders is below:

March 3-16

1. Changing Definitions & Roles of Museums and Libraries
Martín Gómez, City Librarian, Los Angeles Public Library

2. Shifts in Power & Authority
Cassie Chinn, Deputy Executive Director, Wing Luke Asian Museum

March 17-30

3. Museums & Libraries as the "Third Place"
Susan Hildreth, City Librarian, Seattle Public Library

4. Technology & Policy Development
John Wilkin, Associate University Librarian for Library Information
Technology (LIT), University of Michigan,
Executive Director of HathiTrust

March 31-April 13

5. 21st Century Learning & Information Use
Tom Scheinfeldt, Managing Director for Center for History and
New Media at George Mason University, OMEKA Project Director

6. New Models & Structures for Collaboration
Mark Wright, Director of Partnerships, National Children's Museum

April 14-27

7. Planning for a Sustainable Future
Emlyn Koster, President & CEO, Liberty Science Center

8. Metrics for Evaluating Service & Impact
John Fraser, Director, Institute for Learning Innovation-New York

April 28-May 12

9. The 21st Century Museum & Library Workforce
Joanne Marshall, Alumni Distinguished Professor, School of Information
and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

10. UpNext: Where Do We Go From Here
Larry Johnson, CEO, The New Media Consortium

May 19

Last official "Wiki Wednesday" IMLS will post wiki final summary.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the wiki or the Discussion Guide, please feel free to contact Mamie Bittner, or Erica Pastore,

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation's 123,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The Institute's mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas. The Institute works at the national level and in coordination with state and local organizations to sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge; enhance learning and innovation; and support professional development. To learn more about the Institute, please visit