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Grant Stories

Museums and libraries across the country are contributing to the wellbeing and advancement of their communities using IMLS funding to develop and expand programs that educate, entertain, and engage visitors.

These institutions are dedicated to providing services ranging from health and wellness information to job resources, and laptop lending programs to virtual story times and online exhibit tours. By reaching out, museums and libraries develop an understanding of the needs in their community. Now, more than ever, connecting people with resources, programs, and information can make a substantial difference in the welfare of the community.

The stories of how grantees are overcoming challenges and supporting their local officials, educators, and patrons is inspiring and hopeful that more institutions will be able to build on those successes to help their communities thrive.

Check back soon to see stories about what your state is doing.


Explore Your State SLAA Details

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SLAA Survey

Explore State Library Administrative Agency (SLAA) Survey data on state library agencies in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, such as revenue and expenditures, staff, collections and electronic services, library development and service transactions, services to libraries in the state, allied operations, and public service hours.

FY2020 SLAAs Response to COVID FY2020 Roles and Responsibilities FY2018 SLAA Survey Report

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