Libraries have a long history of meeting public demand for consumer health information. A recent IMLS study showed that an estimated 37 percent of library computer users (28 million people) use library computers and seek assistance from librarians for health and wellness issues, including learning about medical conditions, finding health care providers, and assessing health insurance options.

As prominent providers of Internet access and digital literacy training for people who lack Internet connections at home, libraries can anticipate intensified demand for information computer services as patrons look for health insurance information. IMLS and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare will work cooperatively to make sure that libraries are aware of and able to connect patrons with information resources and community partners.

To help local libraries decide how best to serve their patrons IMLS is working with OCLC to support the effort through its flagship public library program The goal is to assure that librarians have the information and connections with local experts needed to connect their patrons to information about the Health Insurance.


Health Insurance Marketplace: Have health insurance questions? Get Quick AnswersTo learn more about online educational webinars, tip sheets, and other resources to help library staff members respond to increased patron information needs related to the Health Insurance Marketplace.see the following resources
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