
Contact Name
Ms. Hasinta Ida R. Kilcullen
Contact Title
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
State Library Address

Palau Ministry of Education
P.O. Box 7080
Koror, PW 96940
United States

Contact Email Address
Grants to State Programs

The Grants to States Program

The Grants to States Program is the largest grant program run by IMLS; it provides funds to State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAAs) using a population-based formula set by the law. SLAAs determine goals and objectives for the funds in their statutorily required five-year plan (see below). For more information, see the Grants to States program overview.

  • Annual Allotments
  • 5 Year Plan Text

    Each state creates a 5-year plan for its programs to strengthen the efficiency, reach, and effectiveness of library services. View all states' plans.

    5 year plan
    Attachment Size
    palau5yearplan.pdf 191.77 KB
  • 5 Year Evaluation Text

    At the end of a 5-year period, each state reports their results in achieving goals and objectives projected in their 5-Year Plan. View all states' evaluations.

    5 year evaluation
    Attachment Size
    palau5yearevaluation.pdf 1.1 MB

Project Examples

Library Program and Collection Development 
The Palau Ministry of Education purchased locally published children's books in both English and Palauan, as well as educational supplies, such as notebooks and pencils. These materials allowed students and other children to better connect with their native language, as well as to help boost literacy rates in schools. Project leads distributed copies of the books to over 20 libraries, including preschools and Head Starts. They conducted a back-to-school library program for K-12 students to instill a love of reading and to promote early literacy.
IMLS funds: $18,146 

Library Technology Upgrade 
The Palau Ministry of Education upgraded technology in public elementary school libraries as well as the Palau Public Library. The libraries needed an update to their existing technological equipment that would be accessible to both the public and library staff, so funds were used to purchase 38 computers, software, and accompanying supplies. The technology infrastructure upgrades will better meet the needs of the community, support student learning outcomes, and increase internet access.
IMLS funds: $50,109 

Prevention and Preparedness 
The Palau Ministry of Education purchased supplies for libraries in Palau to help prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19. These included hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, disinfecting wipes and sprays, masks and gloves, and paper towels. Project leads distributed the health and safety supplies to all libraries in Palau, which allowed them to continue serving patrons and remain open during the pandemic.
IMLS funds: $1,959 

Review recent Grants to States projects from this state library in the State Program Report database.

Search the Awarded Grants Database for additional details about awards in this state

Five-Year Plan Highlights

Goal 1: Update library collection development and support programs and outreach activities.

  • Projects include:
    • Expansion of print and virtual collections for libraries and schools 
    • Creative programs for young people 
    • Reading programs for children and the public 
    • Programs to improve digital literacy skills. 

 Goal 2: Improve Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)and technology upgrade.

  • Projects include:
    • Maintenance, expansion, and training related to the online Union Catalog
    • Technology training for the public 

Goal 3: Provide trainings and professional development for librarians to enhance skills in library workforce.

  • Projects include:
    • Continuing education or library staff 

IMLS Data Collection

State Library Administrative Agency Survey
The State Library Administrative Agency Survey (SLAA) provides descriptive data about state library agencies for all fifty states and the District of Columbia. To interact with the latest data, please visit the 
SLAA Survey Comparison Tool.

Public Libraries Survey
The Public Libraries Survey (PLS) provides national descriptive data on the status of public libraries in the United States and its territories. Explore state profiles representing more than 9,000 public library systems and over 17,000 public library outlets.