New Mexico

Contact Name
Mr. Eli Guinnee
Contact Title
State Librarian
State Library Address

New Mexico State Library
1209 Camino Carlos Rey
Santa Fe, NM 87507
United States

Contact Email Address
Grants to State Programs

The Grants to States Program

The Grants to States Program is the largest grant program run by IMLS; it provides funds to State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAAs) using a population-based formula set by the law. SLAAs determine goals and objectives for the funds in their statutorily required five-year plan (see below). For more information, see the Grants to States program overview.

  • Annual Allotments
  • 5 Year Plan Text

    Each state creates a 5-year plan for its programs to strengthen the efficiency, reach, and effectiveness of library services. View all states' plans.

    5 year plan
    Attachment Size
    newmexico5yearplan.pdf 473.68 KB
Eli Guinnee, State Librarian, New Mexico State Librarian

“New Mexico State Library works at the intersection of great geographic, ethnic, and economic diversity to help all libraries support their communities’ unique aspirations. We are a beautiful and culturally rich state that values its history, supports social equity, and seeks to be a leader in innovation."

-- Eli Guinnee, State Librarian, New Mexico State Librarian

Project Examples

New Mexico State Library’s El Portal screenshot

El Portal 
New Mexico State Library’s El Portal provides access to electronic journals and newspapers, homework help/tutoring, job/career assistance, and a high school completion service for all New Mexico residents. In partnership with the Arizona State Library, a special webpage was created for the Navajo Nation and made available in all fifty Navajo Chapter Houses. It provided direct access to El Portal resources on the New Mexico side of the nation. During the project period El Portal also provided access to Career Online High School, an educational service that offers adults the opportunity to earn an accredited high school diploma and entry level career certificate at the same time. 
IMLS Funds: $489,351.51 

New Mexico State Library bookmobiles

Rural Services
The New Mexico State Library provided direct library services statewide to rural and underserved populations through three bookmobile programs and a books-by-mail program. Each bookmobile carried up to 4,000 volumes and traveled a monthly route of regularly scheduled stops to the rural communities in the region. During the project period there were 2,298 registered library cardholders for the bookmobile programs. Books-by-Mail, a book delivery service offered to rural residents of New Mexico who do not live near a public library or bookmobile stop, serviced 525 registered households statewide. The service was also available to individuals in New Mexico who were home-bound or had a visual disability. 
IMLS Funds: $849,489.91 

New Mexico interlibrary loan system workflow

Interlibrary Loan  
The New Mexico State Library provided professional level interlibrary resource sharing capability to small and rural libraries throughout New Mexico and improved functionality of the current interlibrary loan system. These services reached 8 prison libraries, 38 small and/or rural libraries, 4 small academic libraries, 6 special libraries, and 19 tribal libraries throughout the state that could not afford or staff an interlibrary loan service of their own. During the project period, the implementation of an articles-on-demand service greatly improved patrons’ ability to receive the materials they needed quickly and cost effectively, while maintaining copyright compliance. 
IMLS Funds: $24,652.76 

Review recent Grants to States projects from this state library in the State Program Report database.

Search the Awarded Grants Database for additional details about awards in this state

Five-Year Plan Highlights

Goal 1: Expand services for learning and access to information and educational resources, in all types of libraries for individuals of all ages to support needs for education, lifelong learning, workforce development, and digital literacy skills. 

  • Projects include:
    • Summer reading programs 
    • El Portal, including online databases, homework help, and job support 

Goal 2: Establish or enhance interlibrary resource sharing and delivery via ILL, document delivery services, and courier service to improve coordination among and between libraries in New Mexico for the purposes of improving literacy and the quality of and access to library information services. 

  • Projects include:
    • Interlibrary loan service to small, rural, and prison libraries 
    • Educational and information resource delivery service 

Goal 3: Provide library services to visually impaired, rural, homebound, and underserved New Mexico residents.

  • Projects include:
    • Bookmobiles, serving rural areas 
    • Books by Mail, serving rural and homebound residents 
    • Library for the Blind and Print Disabled

IMLS Data Collection

State Library Administrative Agency Survey
The State Library Administrative Agency Survey (SLAA) provides descriptive data about state library agencies for all fifty states and the District of Columbia. To interact with the latest data, please visit the SLAA Survey Comparison Tool

Public Libraries Survey
The Public Libraries Survey (PLS) provides national descriptive data on the status of public libraries in the United States and its territories. Explore state profiles representing more than 9,000 public library systems and over 17,000 public library outlets.