Idaho Commission for Libraries
Log Number:
“We work to build the capacity of Idaho libraries to best serve their communities. A major focus is providing professional development, grant opportunities, and other services and resources to keep students learning, adults earning, and improve the health and well-being of Idahoans.”
- Stephanie Bailey-White, State Librarian, Idaho Commission for Libraries
Project Examples
Idaho Digital E-book Alliance (IDEA)
During the COVID-19 pandemic and in response to the growing need for electronic materials, the Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL) supplemented e-book and e-audio materials already available in public and school libraries. Based on the feedback of an advisory committee, the ICfL worked with technical experts to create a K-12 focused statewide collection, available for free to school districts and their libraries as well as to select public libraries. This new service, called the Idaho Digital E-book Alliance (IDEA), also makes the materials available to 280,000 Idahoans living outside of a public library service area. Since the beginning of the project, the ICfL used federal and local partner funding to purchase over 2,000 e-books and e-audio titles. The Idaho STEM Action Center also contributed funds for a STEM-specific materials collection.
IMLS Funds: $102,253.15
Youth Services Family Engagement
The Youth Services Family Engagement Project helped the Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL) connect public and school libraries with underserved families in their communities. As part of the project, the ICfL supported Idaho Family Reading Week, offered a Welcoming Libraries Grant to ensure materials, programs, and library spaces are more welcoming and accessible to all children, and established the Idaho Laundromat Literacy project. This activity supported Idaho public libraries as they partnered with neighborhood laundromats to establish literacy-rich spaces. These partnerships brought needed in-person and virtual storytimes and early learning literacy kits to targeted families and children who may not be regular library users.
IMLS Funds: $75,996.50
The Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL) supported teen services in Idaho libraries, encouraging teens to become independent readers, lifelong learners, and community leaders. To accomplish this, ICfL staff fostered communication between library staff serving teens, provided professional development opportunities, leveraging partnerships with other organizations, and offered technical assistance. The project launched the Idaho Teen Reading Challenge, with over 350 Idaho teens at 60 different libraries participating during the project period. In addition, the ICfL created a librarian toolkit for its youth-focused chat platform to help them navigate it and boost teen engagement in their libraries.
IMLS Funds: $3,950.80
Review recent Grants to States projects from this state library in the State Program Report database.
Search the Awarded Grants Database for additional details about awards in this state
Five-Year Plan Highlights
Goal 1: Build the institutional capacity of libraries to best serve their communities.
- Projects include:
- Continuing education programs for library staff and trustees
- Leadership development opportunities for library staff and trustees
- Technology consulting and E-Rate support
- Libraries’ website hosting
- ShareIdaho resource sharing
- Idaho library statistics
Goal 2: Strengthen the role of libraries and library staff as community educators and community connectors.
- Projects include:
- Early literacy and learning programs
- Summer learning in libraries
- Library services to teens
- Outreach services for those who face barriers getting to libraries
- Adult programs, such as Let’s Talk About It
Goal 3: Ensure equitable access to information and reading materials through direct service to Idahoans.
- Projects include:
- Idaho Talking Book Service for those unable to read standard print
- LiLI Databases and training efforts
- Idaho Digital E-Book Alliance (IDEA) collection for libraries and the general public
IMLS Data Collection
State Library Administrative Agency Survey
The State Library Administrative Agency Survey (SLAA) provides descriptive data about state library agencies for all fifty states and the District of Columbia. To interact with the latest data, please visit the SLAA Survey Comparison Tool.
Public Libraries Survey
The Public Libraries Survey (PLS) provides national descriptive data on the status of public libraries in the United States and its territories. Explore state profiles representing more than 9,000 public library systems and over 17,000 public library outlets.