
Contact Name
Ms. Deborah Schander
Contact Title
State Librarian
State Library Address

Connecticut State Library
231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
United States

Contact Email Address
Grants to State Programs

The Grants to States Program

The Grants to States Program is the largest grant program run by IMLS; it provides funds to State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAAs) using a population-based formula set by the law. SLAAs determine goals and objectives for the funds in their statutorily required five-year plan (see below). For more information, see the Grants to States program overview.

  • Annual Allotments
  • 5 Year Plan Text

    Each state creates a 5-year plan for its programs to strengthen the efficiency, reach, and effectiveness of library services. View all states' plans.

    5 year plan
    Attachment Size
    connecticut5yearplan.pdf 392.14 KB
Deborah Schander, State Librarian

"CSL's Library Services and Technology Act 5 Year Plan is based on helping libraries to become more robust and resilient during times of rapid change so in turn, they can help their communities become stronger. CSL focuses on emphasizing the role of libraries as community anchors while continuing to provide support for statewide resource sharing services focused on equity of access."

-- Deborah Schander, State Librarian

Project Examples

Ferguson Library’s Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) program poster.

Entrepreneur in Residence  
Local businesses faced unprecedented challenges and opportunities as a result of the COVID pandemic. The Ferguson Library’s Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) program was designed to help 25 local startups and small business owners survive, pivot, and/or thrive in this environment. The program provided crucial insights and advice to local entrepreneurs who spanned the needs spectrum, from opening a business to shifting product or client focus to shutting down their business. Founders’ needs and goals were evaluated by the project director and then connected to an EIR consultant. The virtual program provided counseling, peer sessions and presentations from leading experts in all aspects of entrepreneurship. In addition to the program, the library provided data, research reports, and other assistance needed to complete business plans, marketing analysis, and related needs.
IMLS Funds: $7,500 

Youth Summer Career Bridging Workshops, East Hartford Public Schools and East Hartford CONNects career navigator program poster

Youth Summer Career Bridging Workshops  
East Hartford Public Library, in partnership with the East Hartford Public Schools and East Hartford CONNects career navigator program, held a series of 10 virtual programs to prepare city youth ages 16-24 to successfully apply for and obtain jobs. Workshop topics included learning about online job resources available through the library, resume guidelines, financial literacy, mock job interviews, and a virtual job fair. The goals of this project were creating a stronger connection with youth in East Hartford, providing participants with the tools to obtain jobs, connecting employers with local youth, and supporting the town’s Summer Youth Employment Program. 
IMLS Funds: $3,395.25 

Connecticut State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (LBPH)

Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped 
The Connecticut State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (LBPH) provides for the reading and information needs of Connecticut residents who are blind, visually disabled, physically disabled, or print disabled. The LBPH is a member of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS), Library of Congress, which provides reading materials, equipment, operating procedures, and the network infrastructure, while the LBPH is the state agency providing these services to Connecticut residents. This year total active readers numbered 5,621, and the LBPH added 402 patrons and inactivated/suspended 269 patron accounts. Among institutions that borrowed materials, there were 36 libraries, 32 schools, 19 hospitals, and 123 nursing and convalescent homes. 
IMLS Funds: $406,859.62 

Review recent Grants to States projects from this state library in the State Program Report database.

Search the Awarded Grants Database for additional details about awards in this state

Five-Year Plan Highlights

Goal 1: Support the library workforce as they integrate social justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (SJDEIA) into their daily work and their approach to patrons. 

  • Projects include:
    • Training for the Connecticut library workforce 
    • Resources to support social justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility 
    • Digital equity support for Connecticut libraries and partners

Goal 2: Support the impact of libraries as community anchors serving diverse populations with increased institutional capacity, community partnerships, and programming. 

  • Projects include:
    • Year-round and summer reading initiatives 
    • Subgrants to libraries to support partnerships and lifelong learning 
    • Training for the library workforce related to partnerships and lifelong learning 
    • Assistance with library planning initiatives 
    • Public library statistics 

Goal 3: Ensure equitable access to information and library resources for all residents of the state. 

  • Projects include:
    • Resource sharing of physical materials through a statewide catalog, interlibrary loan system, delivery system, and supplementary library collections 
    • Idea sharing and networking 
    • Statewide databases 
    • eBook and digital resources platform 
    • Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped outreach and services 

IMLS Data Collection

State Library Administrative Agency Survey
The State Library Administrative Agency Survey (SLAA) provides descriptive data about state library agencies for all fifty states and the District of Columbia. To interact with the latest data, please visit the 
SLAA Survey Comparison Tool.

Public Libraries Survey
The Public Libraries Survey (PLS) provides national descriptive data on the status of public libraries in the United States and its territories. Explore state profiles representing more than 9,000 public library systems and over 17,000 public library outlets.