
Arkansas State Library

Log Number:

Jennifer Chilcoat, State Librarian, Arkansas

“The money that has come to Arkansas from the Grants to States program has been crucial to helping libraries in our state meet the pressing needs of their communities. It's not a "one size fits all" approach; Grants to States lets us be truly responsive in targeting the demands that our libraries and our citizens are facing every day.

-Jennifer Chilcoat, State Librarian, Arkansas

Project Examples

Traveler- Statewide Databases
The Traveler project, a statewide initiative from the Arkansas State Library, provided access to a collection of subscription digital resources for all Arkansas residents. Available via the Arkansas State Library’s website, all public, school and academic libraries in the state could also register their IP addresses with the Arkansas State Library to enable institutional access. This allowed individual libraries the ability to seamlessly integrate Traveler's information resources with their own digital collections. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Traveler resources supported remote instruction and ensured that every person in the state had the same access to high quality research and learning materials.
IMLS Funds: $791,725

Arkansas Digital Library Consortium (ADLC)

Arkansas Digital Library Consortium
The Arkansas Digital Library Consortium (ADLC), funded by the Arkansas State Library, facilitates the acquisition and use of digital content by pooling the buying power of Arkansas public libraries. Notably, ADLC helped tackle the increasing demand for digital books during COVID-19, including access for K-12 students using their school ID. During the project period, ADLC’s open consortium had 35 members with 118 individual library branches. When many Arkansas libraries continued to limit their in-person programming and services due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ADLC’s collection was able to meet the rising demand for digital content.
IMLS Funds: $34,369

Arkansas State Library website

Learning Express
The continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic forced many people out of the job market and added a strain to remote classroom instruction. As a response, the Arkansas State Library used CARES Act grant funds to add a targeted subscription to its Traveler statewide digital resources collection, featuring digital resources for all Arkansas residents. These additions supported professionals and students alike with job search resources, career certification prep, academic skill-building, and standardized test prep. Neither libraries nor schools had the resources to purchase this subscription independently, but it gave them the ability to provide workforce development and exam prep resources to their users.
IMLS Funds: $186,000

Review recent Grants to States projects from this state library in the State Program Report database.

Search the Awarded Grants Database for additional details about awards in this state

Five-Year Plan Highlights

Goal 1: Enhance access to information for lifelong learning.

  • Projects include:
    • Arkansas Center for the Book
    • Arkansas Digital Library Consortium
    • Arkansas statewide virtual union catalog (Mockingbird)
    • Collection management, including statewide acquisition, cataloging, and delivery of materials
    • Digital services, including federal and state documents depository programs
    • Information services, including reference, circulation, and interlibrary loan
    • Traveler statewide digital resource program

Goal 2: Provide training, professional development, and resources to the state’s library workforce.

  • Projects include:
    • Youth services, including professional development and programs
    • Continuing Education opportunities for the Arkansas library community
    • Library consulting services

Goal 3: Provide programs to a broad audience with diverse information needs.

  • Projects include:
    • Library services for blind and print disabled Arkansas residents
    • Statewide sharing and engagement, including outreach and coordination
    • Summer Reading Program

Goal 4: Enhance the technological environment of Arkansas libraries.

  • Projects include:
    • E-Rate and technology support for broadband connections in libraries
    • Information Technology management and support

IMLS Data Collection

State Library Administrative Agency Survey
The State Library Administrative Agency Survey (SLAA) provides descriptive data about state library agencies for all fifty states and the District of Columbia. To interact with the latest data, please visit the SLAA Survey Comparison Tool.

Public Libraries Survey
The Public Libraries Survey (PLS) provides national descriptive data on the status of public libraries in the United States and its territories. Explore state profiles representing more than 9,000 public library systems and over 17,000 public library outlets.

Impact Videos