Utah State University
Log Number: ST-248588-OMS-20
Utah State University will use the funds to improve the management, care, and preservation of and access to the Keller collection, consisting of 2,615 archaeological objects from San Juan County, Utah, known to represent at least 15 documented site locations spanning Basketmaker through Ancestral Pueblo periods (~500 BCE – 1300 CE). The collection consists of lithics and ceramic artifacts as well as seeds, maize, cordage, tubers, plant fibers, clothing, basketry, and faunal materials. During the initial phase of the project, the museum will work with tribal representatives to develop protocols for the care and accessibility of the collection. Once policies and procedures are in place, the project will link archival documents and photographs with artifacts, create full accession records, prepare condition reports, execute conservation treatments, rehouse, digitize, and place the materials museum-quality storage cabinetry. The project will be matched with $75,112 in non-federal share.