
University of North Carolina General Administration

Log Number: RE-256567-OLS-24

The University of North Carolina System will convene the National Forum on Sustainable Models for Open and Equitable Systems of Education to identify gaps, opportunities, and best practices for assessing and critically engaging with educational technologies and content models that impact academic freedom, student privacy and agency, and the sustainability of higher education. This forum will gather librarians and administrators at the major university systems and consortia to develop collective, library-led models for evaluating and supporting more open and equitable systems of educational technologies. The forum will center the roles and expertise of librarians and connect them with instructional designers, administrators, and policy experts to develop shared buy-in on the forum and its outputs. Beneficiaries will include librarians and their peers working in large-scale partnerships, systems, and consortia who are uniquely situated to evaluate the technical, pedagogical, legal, and economic quality of the various models under discussion.