
University of Arizona (University of Arizona Law Library)

Log Number: RE-254857-OLS-23

The University of Arizona Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library will address two ongoing problems in law librarianship: 1) the lack of growth in numbers of law librarians who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and from historically excluded groups; and 2) an insufficient number of librarians entering the legal information field generally. They seek to be leaders in developing a diverse workforce in law libraries by training diverse Law Library Fellows, creating and promoting new pathways to the legal information profession, and challenging the professional community to participate and collaborate in these efforts. The expansion of the Fellows Program under this project will include: 1) the addition of a Project Manager for at least two years; 2) two additional Fellows to their current structure; and 3) the creation of a remote fellowship opportunity open to law libraries across the country. Results will include a white paper on the state of law librarianship skills, jobs, and training; a Fellows Program Toolkit that will include a Mentorship Handbook, a Career Advising Handbook, and a Law Library Rotation Program.