Notice to Grantees: Please be aware that, due to Executive Orders and OMB guidance regarding potentially unallowable grant payments, IMLS is taking additional measures to process payments. Reviews of applicable programs and payments may result in delays or other actions.


University of North Carolina at Greensboro (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Information, Library, and Research Sciences (ILRS))

Log Number: RE-254844-OLS-23

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and the University of Iowa will conduct a two-year project that will: 1) develop training on proactive, impactful, and broadly applicable techniques for community collaboration and civic engagement for library advocacy; and 2) build culturally responsive professional soft skills not typically addressed in LIS curriculum, within the context of challenging conditions. They will develop an innovative, scalable, and adaptable open-source curriculum to equip public, academic, and school library workers with skills to build strong civic networks, bringing together and empowering different community constituencies, interests, and populations. The curriculum and professional development will be openly accessible and adaptable for the needs of library workers in a variety of settings.