Montana State University

Log Number: RE-246303-OLS-20

Montana State University will develop an open-access, culturally relevant and responsive curriculum for school librarian preparation programs with an emphasis on Indigenous perspectives and, using this curriculum, will recruit, train, and support school library professionals in Alaska and Montana. Montana State University will redesign its master's level Library Media Certificate curriculum to align with best practices for culturally relevant education, including infusing Indigenous perspectives as well as continuing to meet national Library Media Specialist Preparation Standards. They will then recruit teachers from Montana and Alaska to complete the program so that they can move into school librarian positions. The program will include a cohort-based model of structured support and community with opportunities to address issues of individual and mutual concern, discuss relevant opportunities and challenges in schools, and work with experts. As a result of the project, school library professionals will have increased capacity to contribute to the well-being of their school communities, while other school librarian preparation programs will have access to the curriculum so that they are able to adapt their programs.
Project Proposals