Keiki O Ka Aina Family Learning Centers

Log Number: NH-256803-OLS-24

Keiki O Ka 'Aina Family Learning Centers will help to increase literacy skills in the Native Hawaiian community through a series of direct services for children ages 0–8; provide caregiver training to support literacy development; provide quality dual language (Hawaiian and English) books; and build awareness and use of Hawai’i’s public libraries. The Ka Waihona ‘Ike project will fulfill their mission in communicating the vital importance of education, advocating for literacy, supporting parents as their keiki’s first and best teacher, and empowering families to undertake leadership roles in their communities—all done within the context of Hawaiian culture, traditions, and values. The project will benefit 1,500 children and 1,290 parents in Native Hawaiian communities on the islands of Oahu, Maui, and Hawai’i.

Project Proposals
Attachment Size
NH-256803-OLS-24 Proposal 381.17 KB