
Tolowa Dee-ni Nation

Log Number: NAE-256796-OLS-24

The Tolowa Dee-ni Nation Natural Resources Department of the Tolowa Dee-ni Nation in California will develop a preservation and revitalization effort called the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Tr’aa-may-dvn Xwee-nish (Tolowa Dee-ni’ Living Plant Library) Continuation Project. The project features the continuation and development of a native plant and seed library; an expanded nursery with greater capacity for propagating native plants; an increased diversification of community education workshops; and the development of a QR code-based digital plant library that contains Tolowa-derived plant information and audio files with Tolowa wee-ya’ pronunciations. The goal of this project is for community members to have increased access to and improved knowledge of native plants, including plant identification, propagation, and cultivation; respectful harvesting practices; and traditional purposes.
Project Proposals
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nae-256796-ols-24-proposal.pdf 565.74 KB