
Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes

Log Number: NAE-256763-OLS-24

The Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska will offer training, education, and classes to its community to promote cultural arts. This will include everything from workshops on traditional weaving and carving to classes on contemporary Indigenous art forms, enabling Tribal citizens to create pieces for regalia, used in ceremonies or song and dance, or to craft items for sale, further embedding their cultural practices into daily lives. This project seeks to strengthen the arts and cultural education sectors, provide employment and training opportunities for Tribal citizens, and enhance the socioeconomic resilience of its communities. By focusing on the revitalization of Indigenous arts and cultural education, this project will create pathways out of poverty, bring elders and youth together, celebrate and preserve unique cultural identities, and contribute to a broader economic recovery and cultural renaissance in the wake of the pandemic's impacts.
Project Proposals
Attachment Size
nae-256763-ols-24-proposal.pdf 426.78 KB