
Gun Lake Tribe

Log Number: NAE-256748-OLS-24

The Gun Lake Tribe in Michigan will develop the “Gékendamen Pane (Always We Are Learning)” project and hire a higher education specialist to support all Tribal citizens, especially Tribal youth, seeking to access the Gun Lake Tribe’s higher education programming. The project team will also develop evaluative tools to measure qualitative and quantitative project data; develop and implement continuing education courses; identify and hire contractual teachers for the continuing education courses; develop a communications schedule and advertise higher education programming to Tribal citizens; leverage existing events and implement new events to educate Tribal citizens about special higher education topics; and support the coverage of expenses related to staff participation at professional conferences. By helping more Tribal citizens pursue a higher education, the Tribe will increase the skills and knowledge of its potential workforce, giving Tribal citizens the capacity to fill job positions across all Tribal enterprises.
Project Proposals
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nae-256748-ols-24-proposal.pdf 299.33 KB