
Huna Totem Corporation

Log Number: NAE-256736-OLS-24

The Huna Totem Corporation in Alaska will implement the “Perpetuating Our Culture Through Placenames” project to document clan settlement histories and tell community stories. The plan is to create both a large wall map and an online map that preserves and showcases crucial aspects of the community's history through documenting place names of clan settlements. Interviews with clan leaders, clan elders, and culture bearers will inform Huna Heritage Foundation staff about relevant information necessary to populate the map so that it reflects the history and culture of the Hoonah people. Audio clips of the recorded interviews will become part of the online map. The map will serve as an educational resource for students and Hoonah residents, fostering an understanding of their heritage and connection to the land.
Project Proposals
Attachment Size
nae-256736-ols-24-proposal.pdf 487.27 KB