
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe

Log Number: NAE-256584-OLS-24

The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe in Nevada will share knowledge and provide learning opportunities to the community, increasing the capacity of the Pyramid Lake Community Library staff to serve as a resource for the preservation and revival of the community’s languages, traditions, and livelihood for future generations. The project will increase the fluency of Tribal members in the Kooyooe Tukadu language; increase the cultural and traditional knowledge of Tribal members; and increase the cultural and traditional knowledge and capacity of the library staff members and consultants. Culture and language are the cornerstone of the Paiute livelihood, and the proposed programming will have powerful and lasting benefits for the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal community.
Project Proposals
Attachment Size
nae-256584-ols-24-proposal.pdf 424.12 KB