
New England Aquarium

Log Number: MP-00-12-0024-12

The New England Aquarium, through a partnership with Roger Williams University, will create a program to enable more institutions to produce their own exhibit marine fish from their collections through the creation of a small turn-key modular larval rearing unit, workshops to train 18 aquarists on rearing larvae, the provision of appropriate foods for the larvae, and a web interface in which experiences and challenges can be shared. The New England Aquarium has made great strides toward breeding marine fish, few of which are typically reared in captivity due to the need for specialized handling and food. This project will increase the ability of zoos and aquariums to rear their own exhibit marine fish, reducing the need to collect fish from the wild. It will also contribute to the basic scientific knowledge of early life histories of fish and will create additional exhibition opportunities in showcasing the full life history of marine fish.