Wyandotte Nation

Log Number: MN-248958-OMS-21 (a)

Note: (a) denotes an amendment made outside of the original award
In partnership with the Kansas City, Kansas Public Library, the Wyandotte Nation will implement the Wyandot Heritage Digital Archive: The William E. Connelley Collection project. The library’s William E. Connelly collection includes thousands of documents about the history of negotiations with the federal government, the tribe’s removal from Ohio to Kansas, and the treaty signed to purchase land in Indian territory. The project team will catalog, scan, digitize, and upload 8-10,000 documents of Wyandot materials to a digital database created and utilized by tribal citizens and accessible to researchers across the nation. The project will also include the development of training videos on metadata and document transcriptions as well as a community workshop on the use of digital databases. Project members will promote activities and discoveries through various forms of social media to reach a variety of audiences.

Amendment 2021: $7,361 in additional funds were awarded in 2021 to support the awardee’s hiring of two collections technicians who will undertake the majority of the project’s cataloging and digitization activities.
Project Proposals
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mn-248958-oms-21_sample_application.pdf 302.24 KB