
Chickaloon Native Village

Log Number: MN-245530-OMS-20

The Chickaloon Native Village will implement the Nay'dini'aa Na' Kayax Nahwgholnicde project to create a record of indigenous peoples' military contributions and the effects of war service on their lives. A museum specialist will coordinate activities involving re-housing and digitizing a collection of materials that documents the World War II military experience through the eyes of a Chickaloon Native Village tribal citizen. The project team will also record oral history interviews with up to 14 tribal citizens who are veterans of military service, many of whom are elders. The oral histories will be enhanced with photographs, documents, or other materials from each interviewee. The resulting products will be accessible on the tribe's digital archival platform, and the recordings will be included in the Library of Congress' Veterans History Project, expanding the public's ability to engage with and learn from them.