Big Pine Paiute Tribe

Log Number: MN-00-05-0042-05

In response to a 2005 tribal resolution, the Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley will establish a museum/cultural center on its reservation. In anticipation of this event, an outside consultant will provide training in collections management techniques and will help draft a collections management policy. The tribe currently has several ethnographic pieces, mainly in the form of baskets, as well as 14,442 archaeological artifacts from excavations on its property that will form the core of the material for the museum/cultural center. In addition, a case in the office if the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer will host an exhibit of material from the Papoose Flat Archaeological District that is on loan from Inyo National Forest. This exhibition will be designed to creatively depict the cultural heritage of the Big Pine Paiute Tribe.