Washington Park Zoo, OR

Log Number: ML-02-03-0283-03

Purpose: Expanding Educational Services The Oregon Zoo seeks to better meet the needs of under-served urban children, youth, and families in the Portland area. The Zoo will integrate two popular, seasonal programs into one year-round, community-based undertaking. The two-year grant will be used to combine Zoo Animal Presenters (ZAP) and Urban Nature Overnights thus allowing the Zoo to offer integrated continuous service to the community. The expanded educational programming will provide six community youth organizations involving more than 600 children and family members with activities ranging from after school conservation-based programs to field trips. It will also provide 30 teens with ZAP experience and provide at least 180 low-income urban youth with zoo activities. The grant will enable the Zoo to service disadvantaged populations in Portland while promoting future program visitation and participation. Ultimately, the Zoo aims to inspire inner city youth to explore careers in the natural sciences, wildlife stewardship, and conservation.