International Center of Photography

Log Number: ML-01-03-0490-03

Building Public Access Web-based technology will enable International Center of Photography (ICP) to bring its rich permanent collections of historical and modern photographs, the Library's bibliographic references, and an interactive educational curriculum to a global audience. The Online Resource Information System is an ambitious multi-year effort to bring ICP photographic resources to a broad, diverse public. ICP will (1) digitize 60 percent of its permanent collections, (2) create full catalogue records for 10,000 photographs, (3) lay the groundwork to integrate a search system for ICP photographic and library collections, (4) input most of its Library shelf lists into a searchable database, and (5) add educational content to the Web site for teachers, students, families, and the public. ICP will be positioned to share its resources with other institutions, thereby providing a new service to photographic research.