Expanding and Preserving Our Cultural Heritage, Inc. (Spady Cultural Heritage Museum)

Log Number: MH-00-10-0028-10

This multi-faceted project will expand the capacity of the Spady Cultural Heritage Museum to serve its community more effectively by expanding and training staff and hiring outside professionals to guide a renewed strategic planning process. Consultants will involve the local community and statewide museum community in evaluating the outcomes of the existing long-range plan and recommending strategies to strengthen capacity as a new plan is developed. The museum's part-time program assistant, responsible for educational programming, will be increased to a full-time position, and a new position of office manager will be created to relieve the senior staff of routine day-to-day administrative functions. A nine-month fellowship through Florida Atlantic University will support a volunteer coordinator to assist in building the museum's docent program. Staff and board members will also participate in professional conferences and training programs throughout the project.