Fairfield Museum and History Center

Log Number: MA-31-15-0214-15

The Fairfield Museum and History Center will hire the Donahue Group, Inc. (DGI) to inventory, create MARC catalog records, download files into its SIRSI system, and process the books comprising the recently acquired 1,400-title Christopher Collier Collection for integration into the museum's existing library. Library staff will review and reorganize existing holdings to identify duplicates and make room for the new collection. The majority of the books will be shelved in the main reading room for easy reference; however, rare books from the Collier Collection will be housed with the Library's extant rare book collection in a secure storage area. The project will result in the creation of an integrated, comprehensive resource for the study of Connecticut history that is jointly cataloged, publicly accessible, and whose long-term care through environmental controls and management is assured.