J.B. Speed Art Museum

Log Number: MA-31-14-0303-14

The Speed Art Museum will complete professional conservation treatment of two contemporary sculptures—John DeAndrea's "Manet: Déjeuner sur l'herbe" and Sol LeWitt'-s "Untitled (1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Cross)." The sculptures, which are in the museum's permanent collection, are in urgent need of work to reverse damage and prevent further deterioration. Conservation treatment of these high-priority works and the resulting documentation will enhance the public's understanding of the museum's responsibility to steward the collection through proper care, conservation, and preservation of works of art; enhance the public's awareness of preserving artistic vision and intent; and increase understanding of post -World War II artistic practices, materials, and processes. This project will also contribute to research and scholarship in the field of conservation of contemporary works of art.