Baltimore Museum of Industry

Log Number: MA-30-19-0652-19

The Baltimore Museum of Industry will increase access to the earliest known moving picture footage of the Port of Baltimore. Locally broadcast from 1950 to 1965, The Port That Built a City and State television program documented the working lives of men and women who depended upon the Port of Baltimore for their livelihoods. The museum will digitize, catalog, and rehouse 425 reels of edited 16 mm acetate film that correspond to 30-minute episodes of the program. The museum will also catalog and rehouse 540 reels of unedited footage and digitize, index, and catalog a 300-page episode guide along with associated scripts, production notes, and promotional materials and photographs. The project will increase access to the collection for programs and exhibits while providing a newly accessible resource for researchers interested in maritime history and the impact of deindustrialization.