Princeton University (Princeton University Art Museum)

Log Number: MA-30-18-0350-18

The Princeton University Art Museum will improve access to its collections by creating new and newly discoverable multimedia resources for more than 1,400 objects for university classes, K-12 teachers and their students, regional visitors, national and international museum colleagues, and web-based users. The Collections Discoveries Project will develop the digital infrastructure and interpretive resources to expose and deliver a wide variety of interpretive content including video, audio, and animations. The project team will index and migrate existing video, audio, and other narrative resources (including insights into collection objects from multiple perspectives, such as those of curators, faculty from a wide range of disciplines, and artists) for access, reuse, and preservation. The museum will also design and develop new multimedia interpretive materials and interfaces to enhance visitor experience in the galleries and online. The project will build on the museum's existing audio and video storage standards, and will incorporate established metadata descriptive practices.