Virginia Museum of Natural History

Log Number: MA-30-18-0194-18

The Virginia Museum of Natural History will improve the care and accessibility of its Triassic and Paleozoic geologic rock core from the Virginia Piedmont by moving it to a new storage facility. The 75,000 linear feet of 2-inch rock core is currently stored in wax-impregnated core boxes and housed in a privately owned, off-site facility with limited access. Prior to the move, the museum will contract with a radiation safety firm to survey and examine the core and recommend safety measures for moving, handling, and storing it. The project team will prepare the new storage space, move the collection, clean box interiors, match label data to the museum's catalog records, and update storage locations in the catalog with room and shelf numbers. Upon completion of this work, the museum will upload the updated catalog records to its collections management software, and the data will be made available on its website.