Good Will Home Association (L.C. Bates Museum)

Log Number: MA-30-17-0539-17

The L.C. Bates Museum will provide professional conservation treatment and educational programming related to its historic natural history collections. A contract conservator will be assisted by museum staff and volunteers to provide treatment for 33 bird mounts and their cases as well as five fish mounts. The conservator will also write a script for docent tours, an article related to the project to be shared with other Maine museums, and plan and present two collections care workshops for more than 70 participants in partnership with Maine Archives and Museums. The comprehensive two-year project will also include a scholarly presentation about the fish taxidermist, varied learner-centered visitor conservation programming, and the production and airing of a cable television program about the project. Six at-risk youth from the Maine Academy of Natural Science High School will participate as community service volunteers.