University of Wisconsin-Madison (Wisconsin State Herbarium, University of Wisconsin)

Log Number: MA-30-17-0536-17

The Wisconsin State Herbarium (WIS) on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison will continue to make progress toward its long term strategic plan to digitize its entire 1.35 million specimen collection by fully digitizing at least 80,000 historical specimens of preserved mosses, hornworts, liverworts, fungi, and lichens. As one of the largest and most active herbaria in the world, the herbarium's cryptogamic collections are especially diverse and important to the scientific community. More than two-thirds of these have already been digitized, and their associated metadata are available online via several open-source data portals. This project will fully complete the barcoding, specimen imaging, geo-referencing, and label transcription of these collections of natural history specimens that represent some of the most under-studied groups of organisms on Earth.