Heritage Frederick

Log Number: MA-30-17-0417-17

The Historical Society of Frederick County will preserve and make accessible the Margaret Myers Collection, the largest private collection of genealogical material related to Frederick County, Maryland. The collection contains 440 cubic feet of ledger books, microfilm, scrapbooks, family records, books, and periodicals. To implement the project, the museum will move the collection to a larger space owned by the society and hire a consulting archivist and two assistants to process the materials. The archival team will establish intellectual control-number, inventory, create finding aids, index, house in acid-free folders and boxes-and then move finished document boxes to the adjacent Preservation Center where they will be made available on request. The project archivist will also determine what should be digitized to add to the museum's archival search engine on its website. The materials will be fully searchable for retrieval to support the more than 2,200 research requests received each year.