University of Utah (Utah Museum of Fine Arts)

Log Number: MA-30-15-0412-15

The Utah Museum of Fine Arts will examine and digitally document objects in its metals collection. An earlier condition survey showed that the copper alloy objects are unstable and display a high rate of deterioration. These objects will be stabilized, treated, and rehoused into microclimate storage environments to prevent future deterioration. The museum will also share its process and findings with a statewide group of conservators through workshops on rehousing metals in microclimates storage environments and on stabilization of metals. Through the documenting and cataloging components, the museum will ensure metals in its collection will be freely discoverable by the public through its online collections database. The project will set the stage for future systemic conservation work within the museum's collection. It will expand UMFA's role as a teaching resource, offer hands-on opportunities to students in the fields of conservation and museum studies, and highlight the importance of collections care.