Morton Arboretum

Log Number: MA-30-15-0114-15

The Morton Arboretum will conduct the second phase of an overall drainage improvement project which will correct drainage problems that are impacting the health of specimens in some of the Arboretum's most significant collections. Over a 12-month timeframe, the project will utilize a drainage improvement plan and hydrologic map showing location and condition of drain tile systems to implement 15 of the 29 improvements needed to correct hydrologic issues which relate to safety concerns, drainage liability, and conservation priorities. These activities will enable the arboretum to install new drain tile systems in collections where improved drainage is essential, repair damaged systems, and restore natural hydrologic conditions in collections. These outcomes will ensure the health of the Arboretum's plant specimens, lead to the successful conservation of specimens within the plant collections, and advance how living collections can be displayed.