Memphis Zoo

Log Number: MA-30-15-0058-15

The Memphis Zoological Society (MZS) will provide environmental improvements for the zoo's reptile and amphibian collections. The current facility and equipment prohibit the zoo from fully contributing to reptile and amphibian Species Survival Programs (SSP). The improvements will include installing 358 state-of-the-art cages, improving UV lighting with a means to maintain natural photoperiods, and expanding the zoo's hibernaculum and incubator space. In addition, MZS will upgrade the working space for caring for collections and send keeper staff to professional development courses. The project is expected to result in a 25 percent increase in reproductive output and a 50 percent increase in the number of SSP programs supported. By so doing, it will improve the welfare and health standards of the zoo's reptile and amphibian collections and expand MZS conservation, education, and sustainability efforts for threatened species.