Mystic Aquarium

Log Number: MA-30-13-0483-13

The Sea Research Foundation’s Mystic Aquarium will purchase, test, install, and train staff to operate and maintain a hydraulic lift system in its beluga whale exhibit. The system will improve veterinary care and allow the facility to house additional beluga whales. Because of dwindling populations in the wild, optimal care for captive beluga whales is a priority. By creating a moveable false bottom in the medical isolation pool, the lift will let staff access animals for transportation and for routine procedures, medical emergencies, and care for pregnant whales and calves. The system will reduce animal stress; increase animal and human safety; and conserve water, personnel, and facility resources. Enabling an increased population will foster breeding and increase genetic diversity, while enhancing research efforts. The project will further beluga conservation priorities, to sustain and expand public access to beluga whales for current and future generations.