
Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston

Log Number: MA-256299-OMS-24

The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston will implement an array of out-of-school programs for teens that engage young people with art and artists, support their well-being, foster creativity and critical thinking skills, provide professional training, and, for the teens in extended programs, offer pay for participation to reduce financial barriers to participation in arts experiences. These programs respond directly to the growing youth mental health crisis in the United States. The project enlists the assistance of a variety of consultants including a social worker, teaching artists, and third-party program evaluators. The project also includes professional development for museum education staff working with youth. This project will result in quality arts experiences for 2,000 Boston-area teens that support social and emotional development, build social competencies, facilitate leadership development, and provide career pathways in the arts. 
Project Proposals
Attachment Size
ma-256299-oms-24-sample-application.pdf 661.18 KB