
Children's Museum and Theatre of Maine

Log Number: MA-256111-OMS-24

The Children’s Museum and Theatre of Maine will expand their programming to support Maine public schools ’efforts to integrate African American and Ethic Studies and Wabanaki Studies curricula as mandated by state law. The museum will collaborate with local organizations, and a diverse group of artists, musicians, performers, and storytellers to develop on-site and outreach programs that directly align with new curricula requirements and center community voices. The museum will also create professional development opportunities for Maine educators to increase their capacity to implement new curricula requirements.  In addition to new programs, public school curricula, and professional development for educators, the project will also result in the production of a new play adapted from a children’s book written by an author from the represented communities. 
Project Proposals
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ma-256111-oms-24-sample-application.pdf 692.21 KB