
BRIC Arts Media Brooklyn

Log Number: MA-256056-OMS-24

BRIC Arts Media Brooklyn will offer thirty-five to forty, twelve-session residencies per year partnering with New York City public schools. BRIC education staff will work collaboratively with teaching artists, teachers, administrators, and social service providers to design program curricula to strengthen arts and media mastery, develop critical thinking skills, and promote social-emotional well-being. The programs will engage in and enhance subject-area learning in social studies, language arts, and STEM to support meeting Common Core Learning Standards and the New York City Blueprint for Teaching and Learning the Arts. During each two-hour session, BRIC teaching artists and classroom teachers will deliver a custom curriculum that explores historical and contemporary works of art and engages students in hands-on, art-making activities. BRIC will supplement the residencies with BRIC House Gallery exhibition visits, family programs, and an annual exhibition to showcase student artwork.