Discovery Children's Museum

Log Number: MA-255534-OMS-24

The Discovery Children's Museum will launch the fabrication and installation phase of its project to create a centerpiece climber exhibit that explores the theme of the Southern Nevada natural environment. Building on a previous grant, the project team will continue working closely with partners to address visitor feedback in prioritizing a welcoming environment, learning goals, and visitor safety. Project activities will include fabricating the exhibition components; developing programs and materials for families and school groups; producing signage; installing the components and opening to the public. The gallery experience will be designed to meet the interests of families, children from birth to 12 years old, caregivers, and educators while promoting curiosity and enhancing learning efficacy, and strengthening gross-motor skills in a safe and educational environment.

Project Proposals
Attachment Size
MA-255534-OMS-24 Sample Application 782.12 KB