
Long Island Museum

Log Number: MA-255428-OMS-24

The Long Island Museum will create a permanent exhibition and associated programs to explore the fight for equal rights in horse-drawn public transportation in the United States. The exhibition will be anchored by a c. 1885 streetcar that will include an accessible entrance for visitors to climb aboard, interact with the vehicle, and examine episodes such as the story of Elizabeth Jennings, a Black school teacher who fought for her right to ride a New York City streetcar in 1854. The project team will contract with a design firm to fabricate exhibition components, develop programs for families, students, and individuals living with memory loss, and make adjustments to the exhibition based on assessment findings. As a result, visitors of all ages and abilities will engage with an immersive and interactive gallery space.
Project Proposals
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ma-255428-oms-24-sample-application.pdf 606.38 KB