Plimoth Patuxet Museums

Log Number: MA-245926-OMS-20

Plimoth Plantation will develop a suite of educational resources for teachers, students, and the general public focusing on the relationship between the early Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people. Educators are seeking more information about the role of indigenous cultures in the context of early American history, as well as how to present that topic in an inclusive, equitable, culturally sensitive, and more historically accurate manner. To meet that need, the museum will develop two products: in-school educational programs and curricular resources; and, an updated website with an interactive web-based educational tool. Those new resources will help disseminate the results of research that has come to light within the last decade, telling the nuanced Wampanoag - Pilgrim story from multiple perspectives.
Project Proposals
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ma-245926-oms-20_sample_application.pdf 394.79 KB